
US Extended Hours Trading

How do I enable pre-market trading for UStock Pro?

You can subscribe to the pre-market trading function in UStock Pro by accepting the relevant terms & conditions on our web portal in 3 easy steps, or by signing and returning the subscription form to your Wealth Manager.

Step 1: Login to your account

Step 2: Click on the “Apply United States Extended Hours Trading” button

Step 3: Read through the risk disclosure statement carefully, select the relevant account(s), and click “I ACCEPT” to submit the request

If you do not have an active UStock Pro account, please kindly submit a valid W8BEN and Online Service Application form to us to enable US stock trading.

Last Update: 2021-12-28

Are there any additional charges for pre-market trading session?

No, there are no additional charges for pre-market trading session.

Last Update: 2021-03-15

Which order types are allowed during pre-market trading session?

You can place new Limit Orders, or amend or cancel existing orders during pre-market trading session.

Last Update: 2021-03-15

How do I place pre-market orders?

Once you have successfully applied for the Extended Hours Trading service, you can place pre-market orders through our trading websites by selecting the “Pre-Market & Regular” option under “Trading Session” on the order placement screen.

Last Update: 2021-12-28

When can I place pre-market orders?

Pre-market trading hours are 7pm-9:30pm Hong Kong Time during summer time zone, and 8pm-10:30pm Hong Kong Time during winter time zone.

Last Update: 2021-03-15

Will pre-market orders be carried to regular trading session?

Yes, all pre-market orders that are not fully filled would be carried to regular trading session on the same trading date. The pre-market order would be deactivated just before the end of pre-market trading session and will be carried forward to the regular trading session.

Last Update: 2021-03-15

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