
Our Securities Margin Trading Service may provide additional funding to you to maximize your buying power and flexibility of your securities account. It helps you grasp investment opportunities in the securities market and achieve higher potential returns.

Experience our service. Open Account


  • Offers additional funds of up to 70% of the market value of Hong Kong / US stocks you are holding in the relevant margin account, helping you enhance purchasing power and potential return by leveraging your portfolio.
  • A large variety of eligible securities with variable margin ratios to choose from.
  • Provides preferential margin loan interest rate
  • Simple, fast and convenient account opening procedure - you can open one cash account and one margin account at the same time
  • A reliable and secure online trading platform


*Investments involve risk. Please click here for the Risk Disclosure Statements

Open Account

Margin Grading

Please enter a stock code to find the grading ratio:

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Stock Code: --
Compay Name: --
Margin Ratio (%): --
Market: --

The grading of individual share in the Margin Grading Table is for reference only and may change from time to time without prior notice and at the sole discretion of Everbright Securities Digital Finance (HK) Limited